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26 Sep 2020
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Update time : WRF Israel 4km & Crusade 12km il y a 3 ans 4 mois #871

  • seergy
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Will the new strategy be applied also to the 12Z run so that it becomes 06Z?

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Update time : WRF Israel 4km & Crusade 12km il y a 3 ans 4 mois #872

It is in the plan. Hopefully in the near future.

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Update time : WRF Israel 4km & Crusade 12km il y a 3 ans 4 mois #874

  • seergy
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Thank you very much.

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Update time : WRF Israel 4km & Crusade 12km il y a 3 ans 3 mois #875

  • seergy
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I noticed a difference in the reference time between charts and grib file for WRF Israel 4km & Crusade 12km.
The charts have Ref: 06Z and forecasts begin at 06Z whereas the grib file has Ref: 00Z and forecasts begin at 06Z.
Why this difference?
The screenshots show this difference.
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Update time : WRF Israel 4km & Crusade 12km il y a 3 ans 3 mois #876

openWRF production runs are in the process of being converted to a strategy of dropping the first 6 hours of forecast as this is the spin-up time of the simulation and it tends to have noise and artefacts which disappear after a few hours of simulation. This results in forecasts starting at xx with reference times of xx minus 6hrs.

In the run above there was a setup problem and the 00Z cycle was used instead of the 06Z cycle. Regarding the GRADS charts: the code producing these is common to all openWRF runs and it will be updated to reflect the 6 hours between reference time and forecast start time once all openWRF runs have been converted to the new strategy.

Patience, please.

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