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26 Sep 2020
SVP - Pas de téléchargement en masse ! Cela surcharge le serveur et empêche la communauté d'utilisateurs d'accéder aux données
WE WILL BLOCK IP'S THAT ARE BULK DOWNLOADING! Nous bloquerons les IPs des personnes qui agissent de la sorte.
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Problems with high resolution charts il y a 5 ans 3 mois #483

Maimiti écrit: . But the name of the name of the user directory contains an norwegian character "ø". I dont no, how to change the name of this directory and I think this is very difficult.

In windows control panel -> user settings there is an option to change the user's account name

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Dernière édition: par davidgal.

Problems with high resolution charts il y a 5 ans 3 mois #484

PEFECT!!! It works. Thank You very much. Now I can use this wonderful program for navigation on both of my bord-nootebooks. zygrib was ab big help over the last yaers for us to plan our journeys and xygrib includs all things we've missed a little bit until now. Thanks a lot and have a nice evening.

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Problems with high resolution charts il y a 5 ans 3 mois #485

Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Maimiti

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Problems with high resolution charts il y a 5 ans 2 mois #535

I have actually the same problem on a Linux-machine: All files are under /usr/share/XyGrib/, but I cant select a map, nor are Icons visible. Verion 1.2.6 - any idea?

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Problems with high resolution charts il y a 5 ans 2 mois #538

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data files are in /usr/share/openGribs/XyGrib/data or /usr/local/share/openGribs/XyGrib/data so you may have to move the folder maps there.
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Problems with high resolution charts il y a 5 ans 2 mois #539

You really should try to install XyGrib on any Linux flavour using the binary installer.
If there is a need to otherwise build XyGrib and install it, the following logic for the location of the static data files (the entire 'data' folder structure) needs to be observed.

If the application settings key 'appDataDir' (in xygrib.ini located in ~/.config )does not point to the location of the data files then XyGrib will search the following locations:

1. Qt will ask the operating system for the user's writable persistent data location indicated by the QT request <QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation) > This for the particular flavour of Linux. This is usually "~/.local/share/openGribs/XyGrib/"

2. If location (1) is not found then Qt will ask the operating system for a non-writable user data location with the Qt request <QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DataLocation)>. Depending on the flavour of Linux this might be "/usr/local/share/openGribs/XyGrib/" or it might be "/usr/share/openGribs/XyGrib/"

3. If location (2) is not found then Qt will look for the data folder in the root of the folder where the XyGrib executable resides.

If you don't know what your particular flavour of Linux prefers, I can suggest performing a test installation using the binary installer for Linux and see where it places the files as the installer follows the same logic above and gets the answers from the operating system.

I hope this helps you.
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Le téléchargement des fichiers mis à disposition sur le serveur openGribs via XyGrib et l'application elle-même resteront toujours libres et gratuits. Cependant, les coûts de fonctionnement des 3 serveurs en cloud sont significatifs, en particulier ceux liés à la bande passante.

Chaque contribution, même modeste, est très utile à garantir le bon fonctionnement du site et des serveurs. Si vous considérez XyGrib et les fichiers téléchargés utiles, merci de soutenir openGribs et XyGrib.


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