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26 Sep 2020
SVP - Pas de téléchargement en masse ! Cela surcharge le serveur et empêche la communauté d'utilisateurs d'accéder aux données
WE WILL BLOCK IP'S THAT ARE BULK DOWNLOADING! Nous bloquerons les IPs des personnes qui agissent de la sorte.
PLEASE GO DIRECTLY TO THE GRIB PRODUCERS (NOAA, DWD...) FOR BULK DOWNLOADS. Allez chercher les données directement à la source (NOAA, DWD ...)
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Xygrib in Raspberry il y a 4 ans 7 mois #610

Un depot perso ca me va aussi bien qu'un PPA dans le sense que ca me sauve de devoir compiler et ca permet d'avoir les mises a jours qui rentre avec le reste des paquets "the linux way".

This said, I was wondering cuz before adding the depot source in my project, I need a certin level of confidence toward having relatively up-to-date package, having an unmodified version of the application and a decent uptime. this depot seem to also host packages that are unrelated to xygrib and I didn't found any information on google and github about free-x . That's why I was asking @free-X I wish I could contact the owner in some way to make sure it's ok if I package it in Lysmarine. otherwise wget the .deb will be the B plan.

I feel you pour le manque de ressource, temps et de contributers.... Je pense que c'est la dure realitee de beaucoup de projets.

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Xygrib in Raspberry il y a 4 ans 7 mois #611

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free-x ( is a regular contributor of Opencpn ( Most of the other packages are related to this Chart Plotter Navigation software.
The info about the compiled Raspberry version is given in the Downloads page of our website : this allow you to use it in Lysmarine.
Xygrib will be integrated in Openplotter 2.0 ( /

New versions of XyGrib were more frequent in the beginning of this zyGrib fork to improve functionality,code quality and improved way of preparing binaries.
The next version (1.2.8) will probably released beginning of next year. On github, the working version is 1.2.7 with new improvments (
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Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: FredericGuilbault

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Xygrib in Raspberry il y a 4 ans 7 mois #612

FredericGuilbault écrit: @free-x
What is the projec t /website ?

Is it related to OpenGrib ?


Hi It's my old good private site since more then 20 Years.
My Site is not related to OpenGribs, but I'm packaging some tools for my sailing Hobby, which I want share with another sailors
Do you need more Infos about me?

Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: FredericGuilbault

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Xygrib in Raspberry il y a 4 ans 7 mois #615

Thx for answering.
If you are ok with me packaging lysmarine with your repo source. Im all fine.


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Xygrib in Raspberry il y a 4 ans 7 mois #616

I'm not sure what you mean. What's Lysmarine?
And what is needed of me?

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Xygrib in Raspberry il y a 4 ans 5 mois #652

> What's Lysmarine?

> And what is needed of me?
In one word: Bandwith :P

If your repo source is included in my next release, users will pull repackages from your server. I don't think I have many users, and IK that your repo si publicly accessible anyway. I just tough it would be kind to ask before,

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Dernière édition: par FredericGuilbault.
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Le téléchargement des fichiers mis à disposition sur le serveur openGribs via XyGrib et l'application elle-même resteront toujours libres et gratuits. Cependant, les coûts de fonctionnement des 3 serveurs en cloud sont significatifs, en particulier ceux liés à la bande passante.

Chaque contribution, même modeste, est très utile à garantir le bon fonctionnement du site et des serveurs. Si vous considérez XyGrib et les fichiers téléchargés utiles, merci de soutenir openGribs et XyGrib.


Merci de votre soutien

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