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26 Sep 2020
SVP - Pas de téléchargement en masse ! Cela surcharge le serveur et empêche la communauté d'utilisateurs d'accéder aux données
WE WILL BLOCK IP'S THAT ARE BULK DOWNLOADING! Nous bloquerons les IPs des personnes qui agissent de la sorte.
PLEASE GO DIRECTLY TO THE GRIB PRODUCERS (NOAA, DWD...) FOR BULK DOWNLOADS. Allez chercher les données directement à la source (NOAA, DWD ...)
Lire la suite ...
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Keyboard issue with 1.1.2 on win 10 il y a 5 ans 11 mois #219

I managed to replicate the problem. It is related to the French language file that breaks the function of the pgup and pgdn keys for some reason. I tried 3 or 4 other language packs and they have not problem.

I will shortly recompile the language files and see if that fixes the problem. If so I'll get back and instruct you on how to update the language file.


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Keyboard issue with 1.1.2 on win 10 il y a 5 ans 11 mois #220

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thanks,I reloaded it in english and it works. There is always a small part of magic in the science of computing ...

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Dernière édition: par Siffer.

Keyboard issue with 1.1.2 on win 10 il y a 5 ans 11 mois #221


The quick fix is to use the compiled French language file from the previous version. It is added here and zipped.

Fichier attaché :

Nom du fichier :
Taille du ficher :20 ko

You will need to unzip it and replace the same flle xyGrib_fr.qm located in <user>\AppData\Roaming\openGribs\XyGrib\data\tr\

Thanks for your patience and please let me know that you are "back in business".

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Keyboard issue with 1.1.2 on win 10 il y a 5 ans 11 mois #222

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It works perfectly, many thanks for your reactivity.

By the way, I have another whish : Could it be possible to set a default font and color for the POI, at least during one session ? That is not really important and anyway I have no idea if there are many people using POI but it could be a plus for some ...

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Keyboard issue with 1.1.2 on win 10 il y a 5 ans 11 mois #232

I have the same problem with PgUp and PgDown, on Win10 and debian 9
I download, dezippe and replace the file .
Everything is OK now.


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Dernière édition: par Pancrace.
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Le téléchargement des fichiers mis à disposition sur le serveur openGribs via XyGrib et l'application elle-même resteront toujours libres et gratuits. Cependant, les coûts de fonctionnement des 3 serveurs en cloud sont significatifs, en particulier ceux liés à la bande passante.

Chaque contribution, même modeste, est très utile à garantir le bon fonctionnement du site et des serveurs. Si vous considérez XyGrib et les fichiers téléchargés utiles, merci de soutenir openGribs et XyGrib.


Merci de votre soutien

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